Entries by Assopogo

Organization of the meeting Pogo Douarnenez 2023

Pogo Douarnenez 2023 Gathering Saturday 2 and Sunday morning 3 September 2023 Eligibility and registration The 2023 courses are open to all Pogo class boats. The Bongo 9.60 from the Winches Club will also be there. Maximum number of boats thirty. To allow us to organize this event, it is requested to register before July […]

Arrival to Santa Maria

The first boats of a fleet of 4 Pogo arrived in the Azores. Back in early July. Boomerang (Pogo 36); Léthé (Pogo 30); L’Aventure (Pogo 10.50); X-Ray (Pogo 30)    

2023 Wheater4D trainings

Hello, We are setting up a Weather 4D training course in Saint Nazaire with Francis Fustier. We propose the following dates (a bit late): Update March 2, 2023 January 14, 2023 PM Claude Nos Xavier Poncet February 25, 2023 all day long Bruno Bessec Henri Mosnier Patrick Avalle March 25, 2023 PM April 1, 2023 […]

2023 NKE trainings

Hello, We are setting up a training course on the use of the NKE control unit, with a particular focus on the settings of the automatic pilot, conducted by NKE in Lorient (Port de Kernevel). Update: we propose the following date: 25 March 2023 a.m., remaining places (out of 4). Price : 75€ per person […]

La Sénane 2023

The Association “Voiles en Cap Sizun” proposes a regatta on 27 May 2023, around the island of Sein. There will be a ranking and even a special Pogo prize! More information will be available soon.  

Implementation of bilingual profiles

Hello everyone, I have launched a new version of the login and profile pages, which can be used in either French or English. The basic profile is that of our store: addresses, orders, etc… It is personal and is intended for the administrators of the site. It is accessible through the small icon: in the […]